The Morris Abbot Beswick Collection
Morris Abbot was born in Norfolk in 1942. After attending Old Buckingham Hall and Gresham School, he joined the family farming business, Abbot Bros. His family recall that his passion for Beswick started in the late 1960s. They have fond memories of visits to Sheringham, Norfolk, where his daughters sat eating ice creams while he spent what seemed to them like hours perusing the shelves of a specialist china Aladdin’s cave.
As the years passed, his notable collection of cattle became the focus of the family’s sitting room. Soon pigeons, elephants, turkeys and all things Beswick adorned every available surface and there was, it seemed, inevitable to his decision in the mid 1990s to retire from farming and turn his attention to china collecting full-time.
From the 1990s he attended Beswick collectors’ fairs across the country. The more fairs he attended, the more his knowledge grew until he became quite an expert in his field. Through these collectors’ clubs, he started selling as well as building his own personal collection and, as his business took off, he became one of the biggest Beswick dealers in the country.
Morris was a real character in the Beswick world of collectors and dealers, he attended and really enjoyed all the major collectors fairs like Peterborough, Norfolk, Lincoln, & Royal Doulton and Beswick collectors fairs. He had a real passion for dealing in Beswick and he loved the quality of the models especially the poultry, birds and cattle and he just kept buying and buying even if he already had the piece several times in stock. When he exhibited at the fairs he always had the largest selection and most wonderful display of rare Beswick that everyone admired in awe!
He was a great buyer and came to Potteries Auctions sales on many occasions where he always demanded petrol or luck money, as he was a proper old school dealer who would often make our sale!! The world of Beswick will certainly miss him!
In January 2016, Morris was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He passed away surrounded by his daughters and beloved dog, Toby, on 28 February.
Today’s sale is at his request and brings together the best of his collection and is in memory of him. Potteries Auctions are very proud to be able to offer his collection for sale.

Selling Beswick Collections At Auction
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