At Potteries Auctions, we can prepare specialist written valuation for items of value in your home for insurance purposes. This will give you peace of mind knowing you are adequately insured.
Whether you have a few household items in your home that you know to be valuable and would like to insure them sufficiently, or you are looking for a valuation for all the contents in your home, we can help. We have a team of expert valuers at Potteries Auctions who are experienced in preparing specialist written valuations for household items.
Valuations for insurance are conducted and prepared to satisfy the requirements of your insurance company. This will ensure you have adequate insurance cover for valuable items in the home through partial or total loss.
When our valuers visit your home they create an inventory of individual items typically over the value of £500, although sometimes there might be a higher threshold. Lesser valued items may be grouped together and we can identify and value collections as specific items too, if for instance the individual items in a collection are of lower value, but when gathered together as a collection are worth a lot more.
We cover all items for valuation from jewellery, watches and silverware through to coins, stamps, medals, furniture, paintings and.. indeed, most valuable items.
More reading on the valuation of household items
We put together some articles on other matters related to valuations that you might find useful reading.
- If you are named as an executor in a will, here is an article that looks at how to value an estate and deal with probate.
- For those of you looking to clear out the loft of things you were gifted a long time ago and never use take a read on this guide on whether you should take household items to a charity shop, or not.
- We also published an article on getting professional valuations done before the family decide what is and isn’t valuable in the home of someone recently deceased.
- If you are tasked with a house clearance, then take a look at how we could help ease this burden for you.
Costs of valuations for house insurance purposes
Our valuation charge is £150 + VAT for the first hour, then £75 +VAT for subsequent hours or part hours pro rata. Document preparation is charged at the same rate and travel time is charged at £50 per hour +VAT, or part-hour pro rata.
If you have a complex valuation that we need to look at, we can also prepare a fixed price service in some circumstances where we guarantee a maximum charge for the service, irrespective of time spent.
If you would like to talk to us about conducting a valuation for your household items for insurance purposes, then please send us an initial email to enquiries@potteriesauctions.com or call us on +44 (0)1782 638100 to arrange an appointment.
We will come to the property and will walk through each room methodically marking out valuable items to help prepare a report.