Reginald George Haggar (1905–1988) was a British artist that worked as a ceramic designer and later a teacher in The Potteries, before becoming a full time artist. Find out more about his life, as well as what is believed to be Haggar’s final creation coming up at auction as part of our November Fine Art sale.
Reginald George Haggar was born in Ipswich in 1905 to parents Ernest Edward Haggar and Jane Thirza née Kidby. Studying at Ipswich School of Art and then later at the famed Royal College of Art, it wasn’t long before he made his mark in the ceramics industry, when he moved to Stoke-on-Trent in 1929 to pursue the job of assistant designer at Minton’s pottery. Haggar quickly worked his way up the ladder, becoming the art director within 6 months of working there. He held this position with Minton’s pottery for a decade until leaving in 1939.
After leaving his position as art director at Mintons, he followed a route of education by becoming the Master-in-Charge of Stoke School of Art until 1941, and then moving to Burslem School of Art until 1945. After his bout in education, he prioritised his art by focusing more on freelance work by becoming a full time artist, but also following routes in work such as a pottery researcher and an author specialising in English pottery, as well as many other subjects. It was at this point in career that people started to really notice and appreciate his talents as he created some of his most well-known pieces. Utilising watercolour and ceramics, he was heavily influenced by the Art Deco movement throughout his works.

Bluebell Works, Sampson Smith Pottery, Longton. Image credit: Trent Art

Potworks, Park Street, Fenton. Image credit: Trent Art

Trees at Jacob’s Ladder, Trentham. Image credit: Trent Art
Haggar made a great impact on history of art through Staffordshire, through the medium of painting and ceramics, but also he founded the Society of Staffordshire Artists in 1943, and served as president from 1945 until 1977. As well as this, he also set up the North Staffordshire Watercolour group in 1966 – both of which are still active today.
Coming up for auction in our Fine Art sale next month, we have what we believe to be Haggar’s final creation. The drawing was created in August 1988, whilst he resided in his care home in Wetley Rocks. It’s paired together with the very easel he drew the piece on. It was given to the vendor, who worked at the same care home at the time. The piece reflects the point in his life, whilst maintaining his signature aesthetic of bottlescapes, even through such a minimal sketch.

This is the perfect chance to own an intimate piece from such an important local artist. This piece is up for sale next month in our Fine Art auction on November 13th, lot number 1277. We look forward to seeing the results and wish anyone interested in bidding the best of luck!
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