We have an exclusive collection of never seen before items from Lise Moorcroft. To be sold in our September 24th Antique & Fine Art Sale.

Lise studied at the Central School of Art and Design from 1984 – 1987 where she obtained an honours degree in Ceramics. In 1987 Lise set up her studio in Staffordshire in the family home of over 70 years, and this is where Lise, until recently created her work. Lise has held a number of exhibitions around the country, including an exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Gomshall Gallery, Olympia, UK Art Pottery in Haslingden, Glazed Art in Trentham and Edwards China in Hanley, when it existed. A piece of her work now resides in the Vatican Museum!
After the recent death of Lise’s mother in 2016 and the clearing of the family home a large collection, which has not been seen by the market before, has been uncovered in her old studio situated in the annex, as well as pieces found in the outhouse, the attic and garage. This collection dates from the 1980’s to the present day. The collection, made up of many one off’s, will be sold, unreserved in our September 24th Antique & Fine Art sale. Come and preview the collection and meet Lise on the evening of the 23rd September, from 5pm – 8pm.
Lise Moorcroft’s Process:
Pieces are either cast in a mold with liquid clay/slip, which gives a repeated shape, this can alter in size slightly depending on the thickness which will vary the shrinkage when fired. The piece is then sponged and fettled to remove any seam lines before the design is put on – or a piece is hand thrown on the wheel from a solid ball of clay, each piece is a one off unique form which has more integrity than a cast piece as it is stronger. The piece is then turned with leather to define the shape before the design is put on.

Once sketched, the design is then tube lines – coloure slip is extruded through a glass pipette onto the surface creating a tramline. The design at this point, may change again depending on how it sits on the pot, how the fit is – too much or too little.
Dried, it is bisque fired to 1080 degrees centigrade after which the colouring process begins. Underglazes, not dissimilar to watercolours in character are blended onto the surface; numerous glazes are applied by hand over, what can be up to eight or more firings, until the desired intensity of colour wanted is achieved. This can be a slow and lengthy process depending on the intricacy of the design. Finally, lustre is applied to the surface for one final firing in a well ventilated kiln to give the iridescent effect.

Selling Moorcroft at Auction
If you have Moorcroft you’re looking to sell at auction our staff is well-placed to provide valuations and advice on selling your items. Call 01782 638100 or email enquiries@potteriesauctions.com to book a valuation appointment to attend one of our Tuesday valuation days.
We also provide valuations via WhatsApp, simply send some clear photographs of your items via the app to 07864 667940. Additionally, we can send you links to our catalogues via WhatsApp–message the above number via the app and ask to receive our catalogues. Make sure you are subscribed to our email newsletters, too!