The sale commenced with a collection of over a hundred lots of Royal Doulton Dickensware that sold consistently well with a lot of interest from internet bidders.
Next were some interesting Doulton pieces including a flambé Sung vase by Moore and Noke that realised £580, a Lambeth Hannah Barlow biscuit barrel decorated with lions dated 1897 made £850 and a Florence Barlow planter that sold for £580. A section of Doulton figures followed with a black and lavender Jester selling for £620, a blue, orange and black version making £450 and an unusual prestige St George and the dragon prototype piece realising £1250.
Following the figures, the miscellaneous section of the sale with an impressive flambé Bernard Moore foliage vase fetching £600 and an early Delft tin glazed plate making £420. A Belleek chamber pot fetched £350 and an early Meissen farmer and wife figurative piece made an impressive £1400. Prices were strong throughout the Peggy Davis, Lorna Bailey and Wedgwood section with a green jasper dip urn & cover realising £500.
Steiff bears sold well as did the lots of replica hand guns. A set of Fritz Hansen stacking chairs realised £450 and a Georgian oak welsh dresser made £500. Our favourite piece of furniture in the sale was a Georgian oak housekeepers cupboard that made £1600 and an Edwardian oak extending dining table that fetched £720.
Silverware, coins and jewellery followed the furniture with an 18ct gold Egyptian necklace and pendant realising £320. Just shy of a hundred lots of Military pocket watches came next and then medals and militaria. £600 was paid for a German second world war KS98 short blade bayonet and £680 was realised for an 1804 model French Napoleonic light cavalry sabre. Medals proved popular with a hammer price of over £400 realised for one lot of second world war items comprising the Atlantic Star, Victory 1945, 1939-1945 Star, Scouts For Gallantry and silver Royal Navy petty officers badge.
The Fine Art section of the sale proved to be busy with a lot of interest from both the room and online. Paintings by Arthur J. Meadows did particularily well with an oil on board “Orleans with Notre Dame” 1887 and “The Belfry Tower Bruges” realising £780 each. A Ladislaus Bakalowicz oil made £680 and a Gordon Forsyth “The Hoist” realised £410.
Moorcroft always does well in our sales with the vast majority of the lots exceeding the estimates. An Emma Bossons large vase fetched £580 and a rare flambé William Moorcroft Warratah vase realised £3000 despite having been restored. Another William Moorcroft flambé two handled vase decorated in the Claremont design made £1450 and a Paul Hilditch prestige “The London Vase” realised £1500.
Beswick animals were ever popular with dogs, horses and cattle demonstrating Beswick pottery can still fetch consistently high prices. The Beswick Gamecock realised £340, a set of Red Friesians £2200, a belted Galloway Bull £900 and a cantering Palomino shire horse £750.
Character and Toby jugs are currently enjoying a reasurgance which was apparent during the last part of the auction with two hundred and fifty lots up for sale. Franklin D Roosevelt D7285 realised £720, a rare two handled character jug of Winston Churchill made £1100, the red colourway Hatless Drake £850, the Pearlly Girl with a green feather hat made £1200, a blue Pearlly Boy £900.
The final twenty lots comprised some interesting Minton lots with a sixty four piece Dynasty dinner service realising an ample £2000.
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